
Unleashing the Power of Precipitated Silica

Shiv Silica Pvt. Ltd. isn't just a manufacturer; we're a partner in your quest for superior performance and innovation. Since 1990, we've been dedicated to crafting the finest precipitated silica, offering a diverse spectrum of grades tailored to meet the most demanding needs across various industries.

Beyond Purity, Precision:

Our commitment extends far beyond simply delivering pure Precipitated silica. We meticulously control every aspect of the manufacturing process, ensuring consistent particle size, surface area, and pore volume. This unwavering focus on precision translates to:

  • Enhanced Functionality: Our engineered grades deliver targeted properties, maximizing performance in your specific application, whether it's thickening food products, reinforcing rubber, or enhancing pharmaceutical formulations.

  • Unmatched Reliability: We consistently deliver batch-to-batch consistency, guaranteeing predictable results and seamless integration into your production processes.

  • Sustainable Solutions: We are committed to environmentally responsible practices, minimizing our footprint and ensuring the long-term viability of our operations.


